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Saturday, 15 March 2025

What a Tanker returns

 Today we returned to an old favourite, 'What a Tanker'. Lawrence does prefer North West Europe so provided the terrain. I had a Light day, only bringing the rules and the Tanks!

For our first game, we decided to give ourselves a challenge, under my points system the Jagdpanther outpointed us by 2-1, in the original rules, we outpointed it!

The terrain, obviously rather like the approach to Caen!

...And from the side...
Lawrence was on our right, behind a large wood.
I was in the centre, next to another.
Phil, in charge of the Firefly, was on our left.
In the distance...a Jagdpanther!
The German, operated by my solo system moved forwards, keeping to cover.
Phil's Big Green Hope, started heading for the road, and the cover its edges provided.
I went forwards, directly for the German, and quickly decided it was a bad idea!!!
Lawrence headed down the side of the table, screened much of the way by the wood.
An overview.
The Jagdpanther entered a field and immediately turned to head me off.
I had been trying to get round its flank!
My vehicle seemed to have engine problems as it refused to move! Fortunately the first 8.8 cm Pak 43 round sailed over my head!
My Tank failed to move again, the crew however decided to fire at the big Tank Destroyer.
I missed, the German fired again...
...and didn't! My poor crew knew nothing about it, at least!
A round of 75mm rapped on the back of the German, so it turned to face its new assailant.
Phil had arrived, and took cover.
Lawrence decided to distract the Germans until Phil with the 17pdr could get a bead on it.
The German got into cover facing Lawrence's tank.
Another round pinged off the Jagdpanther!
It got an 'Aim' in its next turn's dice...
...it only took one shot!
The Jagdpanther then turned to look for the Firefly.
It spotted easily...
Ah well!
I think that proved how good the Jagdpanther is, and I hope you find my points work better than the original rules' set, if you have, or do try them!

We did another game with the same Shermans, but against 2 StuG IIIGs, it was a tough fight, but we eventually prevailed. The Firefly got the kill on both of the StuGs!...though Lawrence and I helped!


  1. Nice terrain and tanks - and the result seem depressingly realistic and predictable v the Jagdpanther! What you really needed was rocket firing Typhoons in a "cab rank"!

    1. No argument from me! I was told by my mates this only goes to show how bad the 'official' points were!!!
