Today, we had a couple of games of What a Tanker, this time using my newly finished Soviet tanks.
I took pictures of the first...
I took pictures of the first...
Our Russian battlefield.
Phil had a Panzer III with the short 50mm gun, Lawrence and I had Panzer II's
Our opponents were a T-34 model 1941 and two T-26b's.
The Russians were run by my solo system.
A T-26 was on the Russian left...
...The T-34 in the centre...
...and the other T-26 on their right.
Lawrence had a Panzer II on our left...
...Phil's Panzer III was in the centre...
...and my Panzer II was on our right.
The T-34 moved forward rapidly, and turned to engage my Panzer II.
Phil advanced his Panzer III towards the farmhouse.
I raced forward, keeping the woods between me and the T-34.
One of the T-26's facing Lawrence made headway between 2 woods.
My Panzer II crept to the edge of the woods, and opened fire on the T-34 with my 2cm flak cannon.
...a lucky shell damaged its tracks!
One T-26 was quite unable to move, too much Vodka perhaps?
Phil came in sight of the T-34.
Lawrence's Panzer II also saw the T-34, and fired on it.
The Russian retreated... it fired its main gun at Lawrence...
...but only forced him to retreat a could have been so much worse!
The T-26 facing Lawrence was climbing a hill over which Lawrence was.
The T-34 now saw and fired on me again...
...fortunately the shot missed!
I really should have 'buttoned up'!
The T-34, being surrounded, moved behind a large rocky outcrop.
My Panzer II tried to join the Panzer III behind the farmhouse, but I didn't make it, leaving my flank open to the T-26 on the hill behind the T-34.
Phil fired at the T-26.
The shot whanged off the turret, damaging its optics.
The other T-26 saw Lawrence's Panzer II...and missed!
It was soon falling back... Lawrence advanced shooting at it!
With the T-34 now visible, the Panzer III fired at it...
...The shot bounced off its armour...
...but it had turret damage and the crew was by now a bit shaken.
The T-34 tried falling back to recover some of its command dice!
Amazingly, no Russian fire had come while I was in the open and vulnerable. I therefore advanced to outflank the Russian tanks.
The T-26 facing Lawrence advanced again.
It couldn't fire though!
Lawrence did!
Between my and Phil's firing...
...both Russian tanks were retreating, and unable to fire!
I continued advancing after them.
We simply couldn't kill them!
Both of our tanks advanced aggressively...
...Phil got a good hit on the T-34...
...the crew bailed out of their stricken vehicle (probably into the welcoming arms of the NKVD!)
I managed to move rapidly on to the flank of the T-26, but only damaged it.
Lawrence, too, pushed forward after his T-26...
He managed to get behind its flank.
Phil's Panzer III joined me...
The T-26 brewed up!
He got a quick turn and made off to deal with Lawrence's T-26.
My Panzer II was having trouble in the rough terrain, and fell behind.
We were both too late as Lawrence managed to hit the T-26...
...the crew bailed out again...
...The NKVD had a busy day!