
Welcome to the Blog of a Skirmish wargamer! I hope you enjoy reading it!

All my rule sets are freely downloadable from our club website's Downloads page

If you need to contact me my E-Mail address is richardbradley5@gmail.com

Saturday 19 October 2024

New rules to try.

 Today, Lawrence my friend brought in Dead Man's Hand to try, as we gave up on 'What a Cowboy' due to its simple randomness, which is a strength in 'What a Tanker', but not in the Wild West!

Unfortunately I don't think these rules are easy to do a report on as I usually do for our games, but I took some pics (sorry a couple are blurry) of some of the noticeable events. 

The town, mostly Lawrence's, though I provided the water tower, corral, civilians and barrels etc

Rhoderick and I would have the lawmen (21pts each which we soon found was too big for a first game!) - Phil and Lawrence ran Desperadoes and Bandits.
Lawrence got round Rhoderick's flank very quickly and started exchanging shots!
Phil was shooting across the road at anything that moved, even the dubious ladies opposite.
Rhoderick brought reinforcements to stem Lawrence.
I was way down the street, so set my men up behind wagons and crates to cover the road before I advanced to the seat of the action.
A lot of close range shootin' and damn little hittin'.
The civilians were dasing towards my quiet end of the street.
Phil's rifleman hit Rhod's rearguard, though I felt having lost his man to 'Under Fire' tokens he would probably run off?
Lawrence and Rhod were fighting across the ground floor of that building.
My rifleman, a long, long way away spotted one of Lawrence's men atop that building trying to get shots down on Rhod's men, I shot...
A 20 nailed the sucker!
Phil had his good men atop the 'Jackson's stores'...
...and started popping off Rhod's men opposite on the lower roof.
My Riflemen, with a little help from Rhod, caught a Bandit crossing the street and sent him scurrying.
Rhod sent a man upstairs in that building, he shot and missed, Lawrence's man didn't!
Rhod finally dislodged the Bandits pushing round his flank...
...but the victory didn't last as the Bandits attacked across the ground floor with shotguns and killed Rhod's Sheriff and a Deputy!
My men were just coming round the back of the buildings opposite, too late was the cry.
The poor civilians would have to get used to 'Wild Bunch' government for a while!
We enjoyed the game, and will happily do it again!

Saturday 12 October 2024

Over the Yalu!

Today, we returned to Blood Red Skies, having previously had a game of WW2 BRS a few weeks ago, which I didn't take a picture record.

I was so taken I invested in MiG Alley, the Korean War variant. 

As a first game, we decided to split 4 planes, each of our players (Lawrence and Phil as the USAF, each flying an F-86E- while Rhod and myself had a MiG 15 Bis each. We all had a level 3 pilot, so no newbies.

Our MiGs.

The Sabres.
We advanced...rapidly! - and our lines merged.
As Lawrence passed me, I reversed onto his flank. Rhod was probably in a 'rolling scissor' manoeuvre with Phil.
Leaving Lawrence, I 'Split-S' ed and raced to support Rhod, who had got Phil into a 2 circle fight, and ended on his tail!
Lawrence had got out of position, jets are fast!
He turned as quickly as he could and raced towards me!
Phil reversed into a 1 circle fight and we ended up nose to nose, but Lawrence hit me from behind too!
My 30mm cannon must have hit Phil!
Unfortunately I took a lot of fire too, so evaded and headed back to Manchuria, while Phil nursed his wounded bird back to Kimpo! Lawrence and Rhod decided to break off too.

The second game

This time the USAF players had 3 Sabres each...
Rhod and I did likewise, both sides had one 4, a 3 and a 2 in Pilot skill.
We deployed quite a way from each other.
The Americans cruised forward slowly...
I pushed forward at nearly full speed, Rhod swung right to join me.
Lawrence was now facing odds of 2:1!
Phil had speeded up with one of his planes, but it was still far away.
We were soon all over Lawrence's Sabres. (NB we used a red die on the base for Advantaged and a White one for Disadvantaged)
Phil was now turning with all his F-86s to join the melee!
My newbie (a 2) got a killing shot on a Sabre...
...before racing round to face Phil.
Rhod attacked the most advanced of Phil's F-86s which had got a shot at my flight leader
The total number of 'Boom' counters we had caused now made the USAF disengage! - a victory for the Russians North Koreans!!!

Saturday 5 October 2024

Doing a Benedict?

 Today, we had another game of the American Revolution using my rules.

At least my camera behaved this time, so on with the report!!!

For a change, we randomised which force we used, Lawrence kept his Hessians, but I got the British and Phil had the Americans!. I only got a slight initiative in the deployment, so we had to both deploy in the centre section of the table. The Brits got first move, and Phil's Rebels the choice of table side.

I took the left, my light troops on the wing and two lines of infantry. I decided to try the Grenadiers as a reserve, would this work?
Lawrence formed his Hessians on my right, flanked by his Jägers.
Opposite me, The Marylanders and some light troops.
In the centre, Phil placed the Virginians.
On the left, New Jersey, and some separate Continental regiments, together with the Militia, and the rest of his light infantry. 
Lawrence got the ball rolling, moving his units forward to engage.
My centre advanced, but my left was tardy.
The Continental artillery was soon in range...
...but only disordered one of my guns.
Unfortunately Phil got his light infantry into the farm before my light infantry got there.
Phil had stepped onto the hill in the centre and my men fired a huge volley...which missed completely!
The Hessian Jägers advanced on the American artillery.
The Americans shot cannister into them!
The Hessians had had enough and Routed!
On the other wing, my British Lights were charged by the 2nd Continental Light Dragoons, amazingly I held and shot some of them down!
The poor Continentals retreated in disorder!
In the centre, Phil advanced to short range and absolutely smashed my poor infantry!
I needed a 6 to survive...and got it, we held!!!
My guns had deployed, and got a lucky hit on the Marylanders.
The Virginians on the hill now paid for their advance and got shot up themselves.
My following volley was also good, but the Americans held (they were uphill, with a Brave Competent brigadier, and diced well!!!)
My Highlanders and Loyalists now attacked the Marylanders.
But the greater numbers of the Americans soon began to tell.
Lawrence's Hessians were now in contact on our right, unfortunately, the Hessian line failed to hit anything like my British had done!!!.
Now a disaster happened for us, the few Pennsylvanians of the front line got a good hit on my battered battalions!
The New Jerseys also threw a lot of 6's!!!- absolutely gutting the Hessian front line!
Two of my regiments broke, the rest retreated.
Lawrence did better, but two of his regiments broke too.
My Highlanders were still hanging on, supported by my artillery.
The 2nd Continental Light Dragoons charged my 17 Light Dragoons, but my men wiped them out!
My Cavalry followed up and swept a battalion of American Light infantry away.
My Highlanders won against the Marylanders, who retreated in disorder.
The last two of Lawrence's Hessians were suffering as the Americans advanced.
My Light Dragoons were still hacking down the hapless American Lights.
Lawrences brave Germans were still standing despite heavy losses.
Lawrence moved some reserves up in support.
Even they couldn't hand on in such a storm, My Infantry front line, too, fell back disordered.
Two more British regiments attacked the hill.
The American Artillery was being a nuisance - my infantry was having enough trouble sorting itself out as it was.
On our right, Lawrence attacked and beat some American Light Infantry...
...Who routed!
The wild Hessians followed up into the second unit...routing them too!
His infantry was still losing, however.
In the end, these too fell back, shattered.
A fresh line of Continentals drove my Highlanders back.

I took some pictures from the American side at this point...
...it was quite clear...
...The Americans had lots more-and in better shape, than our forces.

So, another American victory! we talked about the game after and several factors had been decisive:

The British/ Hessians had all Average generals, the Americans had a Competent Commander in Chief and 2 other Competent ones! - He took a Brave Incompetent for his light troops though! (Who could tell!)
The terrain heavily favoured the Americans, the hill in the centre and the farm on their right.
The dice were weird today, and again Phil got the best of them, especially when it mattered! (I got some good dice too, though)

Fun game though, even if we did get our army trashed!!!!