Today was Border Reiver! A show I wait for every year, and not just because its my most local show (Gateshead Stadium)
The Traders:
The early queue for coffee and bacon butties!
The reception!
Irongate Scenery -
I was delighted to see they stock...
...Test of Honour (Grey for Now games)
Dave Thomas - (you want any plastic set of figures, he has them!)
Eagle Figures
These nice people found my wallet which I had left there! - they handed it in to the Border Reiver lads and I got it back safely! Thanks ladies (and gents!)
Pheonix Games Studio -, not sure this is correct!)
Grahams Wuerkkshoppe -
Mardav Miniatures -
Cozzmic Cakes -
Pendraken also do Red Vector MDF buildings, and...
Including the Korean War F-86 ones I had been looking for!
Bow and Blade Games -
Keelmen Miniatures -
Ontos Games -
Ah, and the Bring and Buy, it seemed to be fairly busy most of the time.
The Games:
Allotment Wildlings - Conquest - Rank and Flank
Forlorn Hope Wargames Club - Battlefleet Gothic - Custom Rules
South East Northumberland Wargames - Battle of Marston Moor - Victory Without Quarter
Westerhope Wargames Group - 7 Years War - Custom Rules
A 'Dead Man's Hand' game...
...Apparently the Wild West had a problem with Vikings too!!!
Border Reiver Wargames Society - Hex Wars Ancients
Whitley Bay 3D Gamers - Sword and Spear
Gregory Ward - Wargaming World Solo Vikings/Normans
Leeds Wargames Club - Battletech Alpha Strike
Dougies Wargaming Blog Show - Hue 68 - Fireteam Modern
Tyneside Wargames Club - The Schleiffen Plan - Custom Rules
John Blenkey - WW1 Air Combat - Always Above
Stu Climpson - Bot War
As I left, I took pictures from the centre of the hall...
This was a well run and excellent show (I overspent as normal!) and I would like to thank the Organisers, Traders, and game runners! I definitely look forward to coming again next year!