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Saturday 29 September 2018

The Gateshead Toy Fair

With no club today, I was able to go to the Gateshead Toy Fair, in the same venue (Gateshead International arena) as Border Reiver.
I nominally went with the hope that I may be able to pick up some 1/76 tanks, but as its not a Wargames show, I wasn't expecting much luck!

I took...a lot of!.. pictures, if you want to see what was there?

The entrance, for the princely sum of £3.00!
 If you want to see in more detail, click on the image to see it larger!
A lot of Die Cast models 
The only books on sale! 

The inevitable ladies selling cakes! 

The next several pictures are from a plastic kit seller, where I spent most of my money! These kits are in their original 1960-70s boxes!

 Back to the Die Casts!

 Ah, a working train set!

Some terrain bits I used to get years ago! 

An inflatable Thunderbird 1! 

Some old Britains type toy soldiers. 
African animals (in the snow?)
US Cavalry chasing Confederates!!!! 

Some real wargames figures - 28mm Hellenistics. 

A nice desert diorama. 

I ended up with these kits, some Humbrol paints and glue, and some other bits. 
It was an interesting show, possibly let down by the untidy presentation of the tables by most sellers. But definitely worth my visit!