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If you need to contact me my E-Mail address is richardbradley5@gmail.com

Saturday 24 June 2023

Continental assault

 Today we did another American Revolution game at our club, I haven't been able to work out a post Valley Forge army yet, so we were still in 1777!

I got the initiative again, but I would have preferred the British had it as it gave them the best side of the table!

The armies deployed on a rather...open...terrain.

Lawrence, once again in charge of the Hessians deployed in 2 lines.
Phil, as the British commander, had a lot of infantry ready to take a low hill.
On his right, he had his light troops, with Grenadiers and Light Dragoons.
My left had some light infantry and Dragoons, supported by Pennsylvania Continentals and some Militia.
My centre was solidly Continentals...
...as was my right, though I had 4 Battalions of Militia in reserve.
My left had a Competent commander, though I left Washington nearby to help him as he was facind the cream of the British army.
Lord Howe was Competent too, though Indecisive today!
I marched my Militia on the left to support my Light infantry and Dragoons.
I hoped my Light Dragoons would catch the Light Infantry in the open.
My Marylanders in the centre began advancing on the Hessians.
The right deployed out to try and extend the Hessian line.
The Hessians seemed happy to await my arrival!
Screened by his rapidly advancing Grenadiers, the British Light Dragoons went into the farm complex.
The rest of the British seemed to be advancing in a rather haphazard fashion.
Overfaced, I withdrew my Light Dragoons.
My Virginians advanced to stop the British outflanking my Centre.
My Continentals on the right were delayed by their inability to manoeuvre rapidly!
The Hessians opened up with their artillery...
The Marylanders were basically undisturbed...
...though a little disorder was in evidence!
Phil nor surprised everyone by advancing a brigade off the hill to outflank the Maryland brigade.
On my left, my Light Infantry were skirmishing with the British.
The British right was sorting itself, covered by their Light Dragoons.
I advanced my Militia to threaten the Dragoons, something of a bluff, I know!!!
Two Virginia regiments were slowly moving to support them.
My Marylanders were forced to turn...slowly!...to face the British attack from the hill.
I moved another brigade to threaten their flank.
I got my Artillery in position, screened by my riflemen.
My Marylanders initially came off worst in their exchanges with the Lobster backs!
On my left things went from bad to worse, when the British Light Infantry charged my Light Infantry, who 'flinched' and retreated, being caught by the fierce British right in front of my guns.
My men Routed, of course, and the British made my gun crews abandon their pieces.
In the centre, my Marylanders were hitting back.
My artillery opened up on the Hessian second line as they marched in column to extend their line.
Even at this long range, they took losses.
My Virginians were enfiladed by British guns, which took a heavy toll on my brave men.
The British facing my Marylanders, faced with a brigade on their right, began to fall back, though a final volley caused more losses on my left hand regiment.
My Militia bumped into the British Grenadiers! At least they didn't Rout!!! At the back you can see my Light Dragoons charged the British Light Infantry.
In the centre, the British closed to point blank and my Virginians took heavy losses, being driven off in disorder.
At least on my right, my artillery was ripping into the Hessians.
My Light dragoons were beaten by the British Light Infantry, but both sides had taken heavy losses.
At this point, it was obvious to me that the British had won on their right, and I was unable to win in the centre... 
...and right.
I therefore signalled the retreat.
Another American defeat, though not a bad one!

More importantly though, we all enjoyed the game!

Saturday 17 June 2023

What a ... Cowboy!

 Today we had a game of the new 2FLs game 'What a Cowboy'. I only got the rules 2 days ago so only had one read through.

Fortunately, we had a good teacher (Mike) who had all the figures and a lovely town to fight in. I was with Lawrence who had played before, and we were 'The Law' - with a gang of outlaws trying to take over the town being run by Frankie and Ian.

We had to deploy in a defensive formation, with only two figures being allowed within 6" of each other.

The Bad Guys aim was to drive us out of town or destroy one of the hotels. We only had to stop them.

The 'Bad Guys' had free rein to deploy anywhere out of sight of our figures.
Our two best figures deployed in the hotel at the far end of the street.
We were not using the 'Official' playsheets, but some home made ones, which are perfectly good and much more handy. I especially liked the weapon markers with all the ranges on.
One of Lawrence's men started near a privvy!
Most of the bad guys were on the Saloon roof, which gave them a good advantage.
In this picture my men are moving up the street, and getting shot at quite badly.
Some of Frankie's men crossed the street but my Greenhorn was ineffective.
Frankie was able to get behind the Hotel where our Shootist and Gunman were in the balcony. My Rifle armed Shootist had been wounded and forced to flee by the roof mob earlier. Here, Frankie's man attempts to throw a stick of dynamite through the (yes, non existent)- rear window.
Of course it bounced off and exploded behind the bomber!
My man from the fountain had gone into cover behind a wagon, then raced down the road to fire at Frankie's other man. My dice had sucked all day, and I missed at point blank range with my sawn off shotgun! - Fortunately, the bad guy, probably amazed he was alive, missed me too!!!
Lawrence had got behind the hotel and charged firing at the mad bomber...he was pinned by a near miss, but eventually got his man!
My white hat man had been forced into a building by heavy fire, but now he burst out and ran down the street to cover...
...a single, very well aimed pistol shot killed the outlaw the shotgun missed!!!!
That ended the game as the outlaws failed a 'Ride or Die' test.

All in all I failed to get enough pics for a proper report, so sorry! - i did my best!!!
I really like these rules, they play easily and have a lot in common with 'What a Tanker', though with a lot more rules to remember!!!

We will definitely be playing this again! - and I hope I will be able to do a proper scenario report then!