Yesterday, the club was off as we were all in Middlesbrough attending the last ever Smoggycon show. Don't worry though! - this excellent show is moving to Stockton.
For more info regarding next year, click here: Battleground show 2014
I managed to get a few pictures as I wandered round, and as usual had to spend ages getting the pictures corrected as the yellow sports hall light makes everything look jaundiced!!!
I did not do as aggressive a de-yellowing as last year-my pics lost too much definition, so I hope you don't mind!
On to the pictures.....
One nice thing happened, when I met someone who plays my rules! Tyneside Wargames downloads and he seemed to like them!
Its very good to hear the rules I write are appreciated outside my circle of club friends!
Well, That was the show!
For more info regarding next year, click here: Battleground show 2014
I managed to get a few pictures as I wandered round, and as usual had to spend ages getting the pictures corrected as the yellow sports hall light makes everything look jaundiced!!!
I did not do as aggressive a de-yellowing as last year-my pics lost too much definition, so I hope you don't mind!
On to the pictures.....
I got to the show before most of my club mates, so had a quick recon round the stalls while some were still setting up!
The show started getting busy soon after the 10:00 start. I quickly dived into Dave Thomas's stand for some Perry Afrika Korps figures.
Middlesbrough gamers paticipation Warmachine/Hordes game.
Not sure who these are..Gateshead gaming??
There were some typical club games going on in the main hall, apparently an Impetus competition!
The Brompton bankers lovely game.
MTFG hobbies (as it says on the sign!)
Scarborough Wargames society western gunfight game.
Dashing Dice games pretty 'Witchfinder General' display.
I picked more stuff at Ainsty castings for a future 'Stargate' scenario I am planning.
Pendraken, who kindly organised the show, seemed to be attracting a lot of attention!
Their 10mm figures are lovely!
Davey, from our club, doing his rounds too!
Durham Wargamers 'Pony wars' game.
I always stop at the Eagle figures stand for a good drool!
..and for the Fantasy figure lovers...
Warbases had some lovely buildings on display.
Quite impressive!
Colonel Bills, I always pick up stuff from them at shows!
Our (Tyneside wargames club) game!
The Durham pals re-enactors in 1914 uniforms. Very friendly and helpful chaps!
Items of kit, slightly battered from being in a trench, apparently!
One of the lads showing the younger audience about Lee Enfields.
He gave a very good demonstration of firing 15 rounds a minute!
Independent wargames group doing a lovely Italian wars renaissance game!
I always have a soft spot for this period!
The only game to look right in the yellow lighting! - I love that MiL 24.
Redcar Ironbeards doing a WW2 game.
The Lancaster Cellarmen doing ACW (2nd day of Gettysburg)
Not everyone seemed pleased to have their picture taken!!!
As the time reached 13:30, things seemed to quieten down.
A picture of the lights..the camera went off as I was reloading it!
As it was quiet, Ian, Lawrence and I headed for 'The Last Valley' to buy our heavy items before we left. This is where we get the majority of terrain for our games!
As if by magic..the shopkeeper appeared!
Lawrence, Ian and the friendly owner of LV.
Ian got some more ACW fencing.
I bought some trees and a small stream.
I just drooled at the rest of the display!
One nice thing happened, when I met someone who plays my rules! Tyneside Wargames downloads and he seemed to like them!
Its very good to hear the rules I write are appreciated outside my circle of club friends!
Well, That was the show!
We all had a great time, and look forward to the 2014 show in the new venue!