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Saturday, 22 March 2025

Oathmark returns!

 Today we returned to 'Oathmark: Battles of the lost age' at the club, we decided to have 2 on 2 players each with a small 1000pt force. The scenario diced for was a pitched battle.

Phil and his Orcses and Rhod with his Dark Elves faced Lawrence's Elves and my Dwarves.

My Dwarves on the right, behind a cottage.

Lawrence had his small force on my left...
...he started with his Magic user in a pile of rocks far out on our left.
The Bow heavy Orcs set up largely overlapping Lawrence's wing, it seemed the major push of the day would be here.
On their left, some heavy artillery and a Mage.
At the end of move 1, my Mage had put smoke in front of the enemy artillery, and my bows had advanced.
The Orcs with Dark Elvish support moved slowly through the wood.
Their left advanced too.
An overview at this point.
Rhod's Mage-rette plonked a 'Looking Glass' in a good position, so she could bypass my smoke.
I had put more smoke protecting Lawrence's Elves from the massed Orc bows.
At the start of the next turn, my stunty Mage felt unwell...
A big Orcy archer unit started pushing round Lawrence's left.
The left continued pushing through the wood.
Their centre was threatening with 2 Elf bow units.
My Archers, seeing the Looking Glass sidled out of sight of it!
We had a bad turn without any Magic, my Mage was hard to activate with his bad tummy!
Those Orcs were still pushing round the flank...but slower than before.
Both sides were now cautious of going through the smoke, as it would leave them open to massed missile fire.

Rhod's Magerette used her looking glass to put a fireball into some Elves!
Amazingly, they failed their morale!
Lawrence's spellcaster...
 ...hit the outflanking Orcs.
They became rather unhappy!
Rhods archers climbed the rock and shot...
...killing 2 of my bowmen.
Of course, they were disordered!!!
Another turn end.
Lawrence and the 2 spellcasters held the left.
Phil started sending his Orcs towards the smoke...
All my smoke stayed all game, his Artillery never got a shot!
Start of another turn, the Elves hit my Archers hard...they held!
The Elves fell back to avoid my counter fire.
Lawrences Magic user sent another fireball...
The Orcs, already disordered, broke!
A poor Elf Spear unit started taking casualties...
Who was responsible?
...The red Elves, of course.
I started a unit to try and outflank the Elves facing me.
My poor Mage managed another smoke, occluding the 'Looking Glass'.
The Orcs and Elves were pushing to overwhelm Lawrence's wing.
My Outflank put me open to the Magerette.
I was lucky, and only lost one Dwarf...Hi-ho.
Lawrence was still under fire, my poor Mage failed to screen them.
Lawrence's Magic user shot again...
...and blasted 2 of the naughty Elves.
Phil had advanced through the smoke, and was charged by the Elves and their Champion, amazingly, the Orcs won!
My outflanking Dwarves were taking fire from those Elves now as well as the Magerette.
They were tough though, and stayed in good order.
The Dark Elves were sneaking past my smoke!
Phil had fallen back 1" which protected his flank. Sneaky Orc! They were disordered though!
The Orc centre seemed happy to stay there.
This time, the Elvish spears beat the Orcs, (who were disordered.)
They scattered!
Those rotten Elves shot at the victorious Good Elves...
...and killed 2 more!
On my wing I got to actually kill a couple of Dark Elves!
...my archers were supporting the outflank.
Of course, they lost 2 of their own men when the Elves shot back!
That was the end of Turn 8, and the end of the game. The Orcs had won by a fair margin. Never mind!

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