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Saturday 12 November 2022

In search of a head?

 Today, we had a game so we could encompass a few players, so opted for Star Wars Skirmishing (using my rules!) - unfortunately Phil was doing W40k Kill Team, Mick was on a week off, and IPhil didn't show, so it was just Lawrence and myself!

So, what were we going to use? My suggestion of Gungans fell on deaf ears! (Meesa tinkin' my bombad idea was not so good!)

So we used Clones. Lawrence wanted to make it a tough game, so no Jedi this time!

The scenario was our Clones are tasked with Destroying or Capturing a Tactical droid which has been directing operations against the Republic forces, or at least its head! This would appear if a droid leader was diced up for an arrival by the solo system.

The start position for the Republic forces.

These are from Lawrences nice collection of Colonial Steamboat Company buildings.
We had 6 Portal Markers covering all the approaches to the village, which would generate the opposition, and hopefully a Tactical Droid!
I was Captain Rex, Lawrence Commander Cody, so he was in command!
He directed me to head left while his half squad covered us from the hill.
Unfortunately, the Portal Marker able to see us was a 3!
Still, until we were spotted, it had less chance of generating any enemy...
...no such luck! - A Battle Droid patrol appeared..
...it advanced on my men shooting.
We, of course, returned fire!
The Droids had no chance against that withering fire!
My men ran towards cover in some vegetation, but we didn't quite make it.
Four more Droids appeared and attacked.
One of my men ducked back, but the rest fired back...
...supported by Cody.
I was stuck in the open!
Finally our luck changed, a 1 on the arrival die means nothing came to reinforce the CIS forces this turn!
Without more Droids appearing we began to pick the active ones off.
They were all destroyed in short order!
Too late, another four Battle Droids arrived.
I had been moving towards the building when I was stopped by their fire.
My fire while moving was less than devastating.
At this point another group of Battle Droids appeared on our right flank.
Cody and his group helped to destroy the Droids on the hill.
The flanking force moved into my rear.
I decided to ignore them and move into town, Cody moved in support.
Unfortunately two more high denomination Portal Markers now came into play.
For now, we exchanged long range fire with the flanking force.
Suddenly, four Super Battle Droids came through the town.
Four more were moving on Cody.  This would be a good time to have a Jedi!
We were lucky, only me (Rex), and three Clones were suppressed, none were wounded or killed!
The Droids were not so lucky!
With all those Portal Markers active, we would need to advance and dislodge them.
Cody's men advanced cautiously.
A STAP bike appeared, obviously too late again to support the Super Battle Droids!
It fell in a hail of Clone fire!
I managed to sweep the Portal Markers from the hill.
Cody bypassed the burning STAP alongside my men.
We had driven most of the Portal Markers to the table edge, so only had two behind a field.
We advanced rapidly...
POOF! - with nowhere within 12" to go, they were destroyed.
Game over! Ahsoka Tano appeared to see if we had got a Tactical Droid head?
We had killed a couple of dozen Battle Droids, so we had a minor victory, especially as we lost no-one! - though its good that helmets cover red faces!!!

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