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Saturday 13 July 2024

Our Independence day game...a week late!

 Today, we had our American Revolution game out again (using my rules) as its just past the 4th July!

Once again I was using the Americans (post Valley Forge) against the British led by my friends Phil and Lawrence.

As per usual, My General Washington failed to get the initiative meaning the British could deploy in one of the flank sectors of the table...at least I got choice of table side!

I deployed most of my light infantry and the 2nd Continental Light Dragoons behind my Continentals on the left.

My right was more Continentals supported by a third line of Militia...at least I had a Competent Brigadier (probably Greene!) here to control this mass of troops!
The Hessians faced my right looking menacing as always!
In the British centre Phil had some Regulars and Grenadiers.
On his right Scots, Loyalists and Regulars backed the 17th Light Dragoons and the 1st and 2nd Light Infantry.
The British started by advancing their light Horse, but these soon came under fire from Knox's guns and were disordered.
On the British right, the Light Infantry advanced through the woods, their Regulars stayed in reserve.
In their centre, the first line advanced apace.
The Hessians were dilatory and only got some Feldjägers and a gun battery advancing.
My artillery soon had the range...
 ...and disordered the British guns.
On my left, my Guns tore into the British Light Dragoons, despite the long range!
Many of them fell.
Amazingly, they routed, they had had enough!
Sorry, they are BRITISH light dragoons routing!!!
In the centre the British Grenadiers began their assault on the hill...they failed, however, to get a good volley in first.
The New Jerseys held them with a return volley, then closed to point blank and fired again!
On my left, with the British Cavalry gone, mine attacked a unit of Light Infantry.
Both sides fought valiantly, though my Cavalry had the upper hand in the combat.
However, the beaten British just fell back while the winded American Dragoons fled!
In our right centre my Marylanders shot down the British gunners, but were less effective on the Hessian one.
On my extreme right, my Light Infantry skirmished with some Feldjägers.
The Feldjägers soon got the upper hand and charged in!
My men broke and ran!
The Feldjägers followed up into my Militia, but were cut down.
The survivors fled and my Militia followed up in turn.
Back in the right centre, the First Maryland took a short range cannister volley, but held their nerve!
The Dandy Fifth, next to them, took a crashing volley from the British Foot.
On the left, my Virginians had advanced over the hill and were in turn charged by the rest of the British Light Infantry. My Virginians were a bit shot up but they wiped out the Lights.
On the rest of the hill, my New Jerseys beat the Grenadiers!
The 5th Maryland got a crashing volley in...
...but the arrival of the Hessians was too much...they routed!
The Marylanders next to them were repulsed by the Hessian attack too, but without much loss.
The battered British who had driven off the 5th Maryland now came under fire from my Artillery and fell back in disorder.
My Virginians now steadied their line and attacked another British brigade, effectively!
At this point, the British reviewed their position, my left was advancing on what remained of their right.
I still held the hill, and the Virginians were pressing their flanks.
On my Right, despite the Hessian success, my Competent brigadier...now with General Washington in support, would stabilise my front.
The British now ceded the day, leaving the field to the Continental Army!  It had been a very hard fight, but was enjoyed by all!

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