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Saturday, 22 February 2025

The final playtest!?

 Well, today, both my excellent playtesters agreed to do Doctor Who again, hopefully to confirm the changes they had suggested, and to see if its ready to publish!

The edge of the small, and strangely quiet village of Trumpton.

Lawrence provided the buildings, gotta love them!...
...especially the church!
Wot? No Tardis?, no, we were back in the Jon Pertwee era of Dr Who, with an early companion, Jo Grant.
Phil, still happy with his performance in Stargate last week, took the Dr Who equivalent, a party of U.N.I.T. soldiers led by the redoubtable Sgt. Benton.
The Doctor stopped 'Bessie' on the edge of the village, but saw nothing unusual, Jo, however, was the first to notice the lack of birds.
"C'mon Jo, lets see if there is anybody home!"
"I'll look in the church, Doctor, I am sure if there is any trouble in a small town that's where people would hide!"
" Not necessarily Jo, I would think a pub more likely!!!!" 
Seeing nothing, still, Jo went to the telephone box to ring for Sgt Benton.
Eventually, a land rover careered down the road.
"Right, you two, go check out that wood line, the Bazooka team - with me!"
"Oh dear, what have we here?"
(It was at this point I realised I hadn't put the Objective Markers on!!!)
The Doctor hid behind Bessie as the Cyberman came round the corner.
Another Cyberman had appeared behind me, but I had been given a card which allowed me to distract it, so I did!
So, distracted, it headed to the next street.
Jo hid!
The Doctor found the live Objective marker, but couldn't do anything about it till we had all 5 Cyberman cards.
The Bazooka barked!
That Cyberman was toast!
Great shot!
Benton was still directing his men.
The Doctor checked to see if Bessie was ok!
Another Cyberman came from behind the church!
The other one was moseying up the road like a western gunfighter! 
Benson and the Bazooka team were moving toward the church too.
The two SMG armed squaddies checked the wood and went towards a gate leading to the Church.
...Still Moseying along, not singin' a song...
Jo moved to evade the Cyberman in the churchyard, but was spotted and shot at!
"Doctor! -- AAHH!"
The Doctor could see her twitching, but could not help her, she would be out for 4 turns!
Still Moseyin'
The Cyberman moved towards the crumpled figure.
A view down the road, showing how the two Cybermen were moving to join up.
The Bazooka team called to Benton asking if they could take a shot, but the Doctor yelled "Stop-- its got Jo!"
The Doctor hid as the UN.I.T. men opened up on the Cyberman in the road, the first Cyberman saw them and, having secured Jo, advanced on them.
With a new target, the Bazooka fired.
A hole in the wall, the Cyberman moved at the last moment!
The first Cyberman now engaged Benton in hand to hand combat, but Benton held his own!
At least a second Bazooka shot took out the second one.
The other two U.N.I.T. men now swarmed the last Cyberman.
"That's why they 'ave 'andles on their heads, Sergeant,  so you can twist them off!"
The Soldiers were unable to free Jo, but then a church verger came out of the church and began berating them! 'Just what we needed'
A Cyber-leader and escort arrived on table.
The Doctor appeared, and made short work of the Cyber restraints, Jo had woken, and gave the Doctor that winning smile!
The Cyber-leader was taken out with a grenade!
Jo took the 'Mrs Thatcher lookalike' towards safety.
More Cybermen were turning up, things were starting to get a bit sticky!
Unit got a lucky hit on a Cyberman with their small arms!
The Bazooka team, with their last missile, took careful aim.
Another hit, and the squaddies got another too!
Jo, glad to escape from the troublesome Verger got into Bessie...and headed toward the U.N.I.T. Land Rover.
More Cybermen were coming down the road, shooting at the U.N.I.T. men.
A second Cyber-leader appeared, and began coordinating the attack.
The U.N.I.T. men fell back to the wood, but a bolt caught Jennings in the chest, the Cybermen were not taking prisoners this time!
The Doctor signalled the U.N.I.T. men to hold their ground, he had a plan.
More Cybermen arrived on our flank.
The Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver squealed, and the first two Cybermen's weapons stopped working! 
The other 2 Cyberman were slow but remorseless!
A Cybermat appeared.
Jo had returned with the Land Rover, the soldiers loaded and fired, their ammo supply was here!
Another great hit took out another Cyberman!
The other Squaddies took the other with their Stirling SMG's.
The Cybermen were gathering in the Church grounds.
Those other two finally reached the main road, and one was taken out by guess who!
The other Cyberman turned and attacked, the hastily reloaded Bazooka fired just as a Cyber bolt killed the gunner.
Jo rapidly learned how to act as loader to the new Bazooka operator!
Another Cyberman reinforced the attack in the church.
The Cyberman behind the first got a shot and wounded the other squaddie before their weapons were deactivated by the Sonic Screwdriver!
Benson emptied another clip into the first Cyberman.
The Bazooka man went into the farm, while Jo sneaked into the cab of the Land Rover.
She drove into a lay by - making it look like they were retreating.
She then drove to the great tree....
...and destroyed the Portal Markers there, which had nowhere to go...The Docter had got enough Idea Cards - finally! - so we didn't need any more.
Jo, with a Land Rover full of weapons, threw a grenade to kill the last Cyberman in the churchyard.
The Doctor had led the others away, before doubling back to go to the Objective!
The Cybermen, still struggling to get their weapons working, advanced after him.
The Doctor disappeared into the church...
A quick reprogramming of the Cyberman command node sent out a signal which overloaded their circuits.
With the Cyber threat dealt with, the Doctor wandered through the debris of their adventure towards Bessie, still perfectly untouched by war!
"Love to stay Sergeant, but we need to get back to U.N.I.T. headquarters as soon as possible!"
"What about you Jo?"

Jo smiled...."Oh, I'm with him"
Well, a successful final playtest, we only found a little thing I had missed putting in, and that is corrected now, so I will get the rules put up on our website as soon as I can!

Fun game!