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Saturday 12 August 2023

A battle of flying beasties!

 Today, we had another game of (X) Rampant, this being the Fantasy version, Dragon Rampant. (For the last 'Lion Rampant' game please go HERE)

I was with Lawrence again, and he kindly lent me some Elves for the occasion, He ran Dwarves, Phil opposed us with a Dragon and its retinue, while Rod aided him with his Skaven.

The terrain for today, lots of woods and ruins.

I was on the right, with 2 heavy spearmen units and some light archers...and a Griffon!
On my left my Dwarvish allies, spears, arquebuses and an Gyrocopter!
Opposite me, Phil's Dragon, 2 bands of Bellicose foot and some Goblin archers.
Opposite Lawrence, Rod had Rats, including a Magic user!
I began with my Griffon leading.
The Dragon and his Hench-Beings also advanced!
The Dwarves only moved slowly in the wood with the Gyrocopter flying ahead.
The rats scuttled forward, led by a giant rat.
The Dragon outpaced his infantry, who seemed happy in their woods!
The Dragon feared no-one!
The Dwarves finally cleared the woods.
The Rats didn't change their pace in rough terrain, being rats.
I slowed my Griffon to allow the Infantry to catch up.
The Dragon sailed majestically over the woods...
The infantry now moved forward to watch the show!
The rats closed the distance to the Dwarves.
Said Dwarves moved forwards with their Arqubusiers leading.
My Griffon took a hill and waited for his infantry to catch up.
The Dragon's foot moved forwards too.
The Dwarves formed a pretty line!
The Rats occupied a ruin on the flank of the Dwarvish advance.

The Dragon, with his infantry in tow let fry!
My Griffon was unharmed, but judiciously withdrew.
The Rats expanded into a wood...and dispatched some rat swarms to support Phil.
My Griffon advanced again, only to be face to face with rats!
I began to move laft to join up with the Dwarves.
The Dragon now entered a dormant phase, failing 3 activations one after another!
The Dwarves moved right to join my Elves.
A Skaven magician hit the Gyrocopter, causing some damage.
The Gyrocopter fired back, and also hit.
I withdrew my Griffon again and let my spearmen advance.
The Goblins crept past the sleeping Dragon...
The rats largely evacuated the ruins to allow the Barbarian foot into the ruins.
More Skaven moved left to the crux of the battle.
My Archers began shooting at the ruins.
The Goblins moved towards to flank of the Elves.
The big Rats were left facing the Dwarves.
The Dragon awoke! - and hopped forward, some rat swarms moved to face my archers.
I withdrew my Archers.
The Forces of Good were united!
The Skaven moved left to fully support the Dragon.
The Barbarians 'Wild Charged' my Spearmen.
The got the best of the exchange!, but both forces retreated.
The rat swarms charged my Spearmen, and my men again fell back 'battered'...though we had chopped up the rats.
The Dwarves sent some spearmen to help against the Bellicose foot.
The Dragon glowered at the rat swarms, which were also 'Battered'...and shot flame at my Spearmen, who proved safe behind their large shields!
The Skaven were now near the ruin.
The Skaven magician now also moved forward.
My Archers shot up the rallying Barbarians...
...who retreated 'Battered' as were the poor Dwarf spears..I believe they were hit by that thrice accursed Skaven Magician!
The second Bellicose foot unit charged my weakened Spearmen, but the battle was even...once again both sides withdrew 'Battered'.
My Griffon was attacked by the Dragon and countercharged!
The Dragon had already been shot at by my redoubtable Bowmen and now fled!
The first Barbarian unit now left the field.
My poor Griffon was shot at by Goblins, then charged by rat swarms!
We destroyed the rats, but a Skaven Magician's Power Bolt drove me back 'Battered'.
My Elvish archer now shot the Bellicose foot on the hill...
...and these too fled!
The Dragon's forces now withdrew, and the day was ours!
A very (to me) strange game again, and I was seriously worried I would get overrun a couple of times! It was definitely a long learning curve figuring out the different capabilities of the troop types!

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