Today, at my choice, we had a Coastal Forces game at our club (Using my rules LINK ) As ever, we defaulted to a south bound convoy on the English East Coast.
Lawrence was on our right, at the rear of the convoy.
Phil was on the left (The green counters are Observation markers)
The convoy was represented by markers, until the ships were spotted.
Lawrence started at full speed - but slowed down to his electric motors as he got within observation range of the convoy.
Phil's boats spotted an escort, an Algerine class minesweeper, obviously transiting to the south coast.
My boats were moving slowly, on electric motors again, to reduce the chance of the convoy spotting us before we could attack.
The minesweeper was sailing on obliviously, - of course, she could have spotted us easily with her radar, but she had it off, as our NAXOS gear would have been able to accurately locate it...and thus the convoy.
My boats got lucky, spotting both a 2000 and a 3000 ton freighter.
Lawrence at the rear spotted a ship too, but only a collier from Newcastle!
Lawrences boats pushed on, struggling to keep up with the convoy without her diesel engines.
I was wondering whether I should loose a fish or two?
Phil hadn't spotted any merchantmen yet, just that escort.
My boats spotted a 1500t freighter and another collier.
Lawrence was turning to parallel the convoy's route.
My boats, with more than enough targets, was ready to attack, though I would have liked to have a tanker to shoot at!
One of Phil's boats was spotted by the Algerine, and dodged as a 3" shell flew over.
Lawrence's boats increased speed, the time for stealth was over!
My right hand boat loosed a torpedo at a 3000 tonner.
Lawrence was closing the distance rapidly.
My boats now both had a fish running.
Phil decided to have a pot shot at the minesweeper!
The alert crew spotted the attack and the ship veered left to comb the torpedo.
The German had aimed well.
One of my targets spotted the Torpedo I had fired at it, and began combing it.
Phil's torpedo exploded near the Algerine, damaging her, but not affecting her maneuverability.
The first torpedo fired somehow managed to slip between the two 3000 tonners!
Lawrence had shot two fish which were chasing the convoy.
My last two torpedoes followed up the first...and were largely unseen by the convoy lookouts.
I would like to see the British escape THIS fish!
Phil had spotted the tanker near the front of the convoy and one boat attacked it, Phil, being Phil, decided to engage the minesweeper with her cannons!
The Tanker looked doomed...
The torpedo I had fired squeezed past the bow of the 2000 tonner.
The second torpedo hit the rear of the other 2000 tonner.
The other torpedo hit a 3000 tonner amidships.
As expected the second hit on the tanker broke her back...
The crew would not have much chance escaping the resultant conflagration.
Lawrence got a hit on the 2000 tonner.
With all our torpedoes shot off, Lawrence an my boats headed back to France.
Lawrence got 2 torpedoes against the 3000 tonner, but both exploded near and only damaged her severely.
Phil's las torpedo, was a second dud for him ( we surmised some French workmen had sabotaged them!!!)
So it ended well for the Scnellbootwaffe, Phil won with the Tanker scoring 6 pts, I was second with 5 (A 3000, and a 2000 tonner) and poor Lawrence only scored 2 with a 2000 tonner. But I think we all had fun, so really, we all won!
Next week Lawrence and me are all of our group available, and Lawrence kindly agreed to have a second playtest of my new Dr Who rules. Phil also very kindly gave me some lovely 3d printed Silurians and Zygons! I look forward to painting these and adding them to my collection!!!