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Saturday 26 October 2024

Trying some new troops

 Today, with Lawrence and Phil away, it was just left to Rhod and myself to attend the club.

Rhod was keen to do Test of Honour again, and I was perfectly happy to comply. We ended up having 2 games, which I took a few pictures of.

Game 1: This was based loosely on the 1st scenario in the book, where 2 Samurai fight about getting first dibs on the Budha!

Rhod had finished painting his Samurai, so chose this force. He focused on extra abilities rather than numbers.

I went with numbers, especially in Samurai.
The terrain for this battle.
I began by getting my forces forward, and shooting anything in range.
I got a 'blood drop' on his Archery Sergeant!
Rhod went to hide in a wood.
My Ashigaru spears charged into the wood and killed one of Rhod's gunners.
Rhod's Lord countered them and rapidly dispatched one of my spearmen...
...following up he killed another!
The 2 Lords met, and bounced off each other, but Rhod's Arquebusiers killed my second armoured Samurai (Yes, my dice were awful!)
However I had one action left and charged Rhod's Lord again, cutting him down and winning the game! I was lucky!
The battlefield at game end!

Game 2: This was trying out troops that have not been used before, Rhod had some Ninja, and I defended a teahouse with the relevant box set troops!

The teahouse of the waning moon.
I started on the front porch.
My Watchman had seen the first Ninja approaching and alerted the rest of the clientele.
The Ninja sent one of their number to kill my Onna Bugeisha...she wafted away his Shuriken with her fan, easily!
I moved her back into cover, allowing my Arquebusier to shoot, another near miss.
I then tried to attack again with Madam butterfly and the Buddhist Monk, both bounced off a group of lesser Ninja.
I was slowly getting more troops forward, but the old man never moved all game!
The Ninja were keeping back, throwing Shuriken at my Lady.
I charged my Ashigaru spearman out who drove back the one of the Ninja, but was amazingly killed by a very lucky Shuriken! My Priest took a leg wound from the Ninja group, but survived! -- Then the Ninja leader charged and drove back my Hostess...
... but she countercharged and killed him!
Thankfully, the Ninja decided to leave before I got overwhelmed!

Interesting games, we tried 'Quick Recovery' for the first time this last game and decided it made the game overcomplicated and clunky, we won't be using it again!!!