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Saturday 23 September 2017

Back on the Prussian front!

Today, we did a final 7-years war battle, hoping David would be able to make it, (his wife is ill, sadly.) As it turns out, it was just Phil, Lawrence and I today again. I had brought my Prussians again to try and improve on their last performance!, where my horse were scattered by Austrian Kuirassiers!

Phil had a brigade of Musketeers, and one of Grenadiers, supported by 2 guns. His horse was 2 half squadrons of Hussars backed by a regiment of Dragoons.
 I had Frederick (!) and 2 brigades of musketeers supported by a gun, and a cavalry brigade of 2 Kuirassier and a Dragoon regiment.
Lawrence had a long but weak line of infantry, well supported by guns, and a 'cavalry' brigade of 3 regiments a battalion of light infantry and a regiment of light cavalry on either wing.
 Their brigadiers would have a job trying to command such mixed and large brigades!
The French had command of a low hill. 
 An overview at the start.
I was able to get all my horse on the Prussian left moving, supported by a medium gun from the infantry centre. I thought I might be able to defeat the French horse before they could properly deploy? 
 Phil had a steep hill on his right, but his Hussars traversed it quickly and easily, their supporting Dragoons trailed a bit though!
The French stood awaiting our attack, using their guns to pound us. 
The French left got a pair of '1's for command, and failed to activate!
 My horse were not troubled by the long range artillery.
 Phil, also, was untroubled, and managed to traverse the steep hill untroubled.
Phil advanced his infantry too, I moved more slowly, in echelon, to dissuade the French from using their longer line to outflank me. 
Another bad roll for the Austro-French left command! 
Facing my horse, the French managed to get their light troops deployed to face me... 
... their Cuirassiers, Dragoons  and Cheveaux-Legeres were still trying to get their orders to move!
Lawrence managed to get a gun forward to face mine... 
...but suffered an unfortunate hit on the ammunition store! 
On Phil's wing, the Austrian Széchényi Hussars and a battalion of French light infantry got deployed opposite the Prussian hussars.
Having disposed of the French gun, my gun found a good target... 
 ...the massed French horse! The dragoons were worst hit as the ball bounced through them!
 The French left was still throwing '1's, and was inactive!
The French guns supporting their centre now began to play... 
My dragoons were disordered and fell back!, fortunately, Seydlitz, their brigadier, was soon able to steady them and bring them back.
 Phil's infantry now engaged the French infantry on the hill, a crashing volley broke a battalion and drove back another, though the Prussians took casualties, they pushed on into the French. 
My Kuirassiers, now with the dragoons back in support, first drove off the French light troops... 
...and KR8 smashed into the French heavy cavalry. 
Amazingly, the Prussian hussars beat the Austrian Széchényi Hussars... 
...but now faced the Austrian Kuirassiers 
However, with a hole in his front line, and his right wing destroyed, the unlucky French decided to retreat from the field, covered by their remaining cavalry.

It was an interesting game, though it would have been better had Lawrence's die rolling had been better!, the French cavalry was immobilised for much of the game!


  1. A nice period to play, and a very nice report to look at!

    1. Thanks Phil! I love the 7 years war as a period, none of the pretension of Napoleonics!!!! - and a lot easier to paint!
