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Saturday, 4 April 2015

The First...Teesside Wargames Convention!

Today, our club was off, as the church hall we normally use was in use for Easter!
No matter! - I had found there was a new wargames show on in Middlesbrough, called Teesside Wargames Convention!
This was something of a surprise, as I had seen nothing about this show advertised, and only found out about it on a random Google Search!

The show was being held in the old 'Smoggycon' venue, the Southlands centre in Middlesbrough.

The lighting was as yellow as I remembered, but fortunately I remembered how to minimise the jaundiced look of my Smoggycon pictures!

So, on to the pictures....

The games:

A nice looking Eastern front WW2 game (using the lovely 4Ground buildings we use too) I really liked the snow camo'd T-34!
The German side, complete with Panzer 3 (F2?) 
 There were a couple of nice looking X-Wing games on.
2 happy people playing 'Munchkins'!
 One familiar game was the excellent 'Witchfinder General' game we have seen at several shows.
Here, Rob Neil Smith, who has just started a new wargames club in Whitley Bay on Tuesday nights (More info...) talking to the WG himself!
Lovely figures and terrain!
Not sure what this was (If you know, let me know!
 There was a (sparsely attended) Warhammer 40K competition.
This game looked impressive.

The Traders: Sadly, many traders did not have clear signs up saying who they                    were, so  (If you know, let me know)

My friend Lawrence, eyeing up some nice Victrix Napoleonic French, not sure who the trader is though!
Some lovely 'Old School' Britains like toy soldiers.
...at this stall, at last, someone selling plastics!
The 'Bring and buy' stall.
Another stall, though I am not sure who they are!
Friendly guys running it though!
Lesley's bits box. How do I know?
That's what I call a sign!
They were selling nice carrying cases for figures.
MTFG Hobbies.
One of their staff accosted me...
Ah, just asking me to spread the word of a good upcoming Yorkshire show.
A book stall, My friend Ian would have liked this one!
Hoka Hey figures stand...
Lots of nice Elizabethan border reivers figures.
Some nice hovels for them to plunder or demand Black meal from.

The nice guys at the 'Crucible of Lead' stand.
The sponsors of this show, Waugh games!
The owner, I think he had a good day!
Another book stall, some good deals here!

One of our local firms, Northumbrian Tin Soldier, with their beautiful 'Nightfolk' range. This is a more flattering picture than last year's! - the nice folk who run the company looked quite demonic in that one!
Some of the lovely Nightfolk.
Paints! - looked like an expensive way to get them to me!
And finally, another stall selling Sci-fi, complete with a lad apparently unhappy with the position of his nose!!!

So, what will be the future for this show?

In my opinion, it was a good little show, though I did miss stalls I like to visit like Dave Thomas, Old Glory, Northumbria games and Last Valley, amongst others.

Next year, it will be bigger, I hope, and better advertised. The apparent lack of visitors was rather sad to see.

However, I think, this was a good first event, and Waugh games should be applauded for their efforts.
I wish them all the very best for the future!

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