Its been a while since we have done 7YW at the club, so it was nice to revisit it. Lawrence had come into possession of some lovely 7YW British, and wanted to try them out, so, Phil being willing to play ball, he used my Russians and I made up Lawrence's force with a small Prussian force. (PS sorry for the loss of picture quality, the light was off a bit in the hall!)
Opposing us, Phil deployed some horse behind his two lines of Infantry.
He had more than us!, with more Cuirassiers, though my one Prussian one was better!
The Russians had slightly less artillery than us.
My Prussians, my Cavalry behind the line too, though I had Hussars and Frei Korps supporting my wing too.
The British deployed an infantry brigade behind my line, and his small number of excellent Cavalry on the low hill.
The overview at game start.
My command was rubbish again, so I only got my Lights moving.
Lawrence's British went off like a cascade!
The Russian guns saw the good target and fired, but at extreme range only disordered some regiments.
The Russians were extending their line...
...covered by their guns!
The Russian right wing Cavalry marched to the flank quickly.
Most of their left wing and centre Cavalry moved left to engage the British.
I, too, finally got my Cavalry moving out.
My Lights used their head start to take the marshy land.
I kept my centre fairly stationary, only advancing till my heavy guns were in range of the Russian lines.
The British were sorting out their lines, now, and extending right.
The British Cavalry moved into position, with infantry support to counter tha Russian massed horse.
The Russians were even using their reserve cavalry to strengthen their left wing attack.
The Russian centre seemed content to stand facing the Prussians.
The Russian Cavalry seemed happy to see how things developed too.
The Russian Artillery only managed to disorder a musket battalion at this range.
My Artillery had better range.
They were soon outshooting the Russians.
The Russian right was still standing... was their centre, it was becoming clear they were hoping the battle would be decided on the left.
The first big Brigade was setting up to attack.
I advanced my Kuirassiers to 'amuse' the Russians.
The Russian guns were still trying to counterbattery my guns, with only limited effect.
I now switched my Hussars with the Kuirassiers in an attempt to outflank the long Russian line.
I did consider an advance with my infantry, but I couldn't count on flank support.
The British had put a battery in front of their line, so they would not be able to advance with me.
The British waited for the inevitable Russian attack.
Lookin' pretty!
As the Russian Infantry advanced, the British Artillery had some success.
The Russians ploughed on and let the British have it!
Surprisingly, the two British regiments fell back in disarray!
That forward gun now struck back.
My guns were now hurting the Russians on our left too.
I moved up my rear lines of Dragoons to support my Kuirassiers as they advanced.
The centres were still glowering at each other!
The British Cavalry had a command failure, and only the 'Scot's Greys' attacked.
Next to the Cavalry clash, the Russian an British Infantry closed.
In the 'hole' in the British line, a brave gun crew were killed, but the British Infantry killed a Russian gun too!
Long range artillery having minimal effect!
Amazingly, the Russian Cuirassiers beat the smaller British Scots Greys unit, but it held!
Next to that battle, the British Infantry drove off the Russian Grenadiers.
Eventually, the Scots Greys were wiped out, but they had fought well.
I was still pounding the Russian Right.
The other Regiment of British Heavies now moved up.
The Russians renewed their attack on the British.
On our left, my Kuirassiers had charged the Russian Cuirassiers, but they had fallen back! - my Kuirassiers ran out of steam, and Russian infantry wheeled round to fire into their flank!
Those cheeky Russian Cuirassiers now reformed and charged, beating my blown troops, though they took losses too!
Sadly, my men had had enough, and routed.
They outpaced their pursuers, and I massed my Dragoons and Hussars to strike back.
The British Heavies charged again!...
...and again lost!
My counter attack was starting to threaten the Russian right.
In the centre, our 12 Battalions advanced on the 9 left in the Russian centre.
On our right the British infantry was winning, and two regiments from the second line moved to counter any Russian Cavalry breakthrough.
Phil decided to call it a day, his Russians had fought bravely, but he felt he couldn't make any headway on the flanks despite his successes there. He may have had some good Melee rolls, but his Morale rolls were...less than stellar!Good game. If you want to try the rules we used, they are on our club website at this LINK.
Thanks for reading this far!!!
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