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Saturday 20 July 2024

The Baron rides out

 Today we had a game of Wing of Glory WW1 at the club as we were not sure how many players we had this week and its a forgiving game!

As it was it was just myself, along with Rhoderick and his son Aloysius so we decided to play against 3 Fokker DR1's run by my solo rules.

Rhoderick used McCudden's SE5a...
Aloysius used Arthur Percival Foley Rhys-Davies DSO's SE5a, I used another on our left (Albert Ball's SE5a)
The Germans kept together, McCudden was facing all three of the Huns.
We passed through each other without getting a shot...apart from Aloysius (Rhys-Davies)...
Wot, no damage?
Poor Rhys-Davies jammed his guns!
I think I was too used to flying a Nieuport! I was well past the Germans in no time!
Both sides now began turning.
Rhys-Davies and McCudden went between the Germans, I was picked up by 'Stripey', but thought my speed would keep me safe as I went to the centre.
I did alright! - Rhys-Davies had cleared his guns too!
...and immediately jammed AGAIN!
I hoped I would get past 'Stripey', but it didn't look good...
...as expected, he turned and peppered my kite!
I turned into the other two Fokkers...but missed, at least luckily I wasn't shot at!
Those Germans are slippery!
I 'Immelmanned' to try and re-engage.
Both Rhys-Davies and McCudden got lucky as Stripey and the Red Baron turned on them.
I was lucky again, Stripey couldn't shoot me as the Red Baron was too close!
I think all the Allied players decided we needed space, getting close to the Fokkers allowed them to turn inside us.
The Red Baron caught McCudden as he turned...
...but McCudden soon got some revenge!
Both Rhys-Davies and myself were far out from the action by now, good job the SE is a fast bird!
Rhys-Davies turned by Immelmann.
I turned for another slashing attack.
McCudden Immelmanned and got away with it! that could have been bloody!
I managed to stop McCudden getting a shot!
Aloysius returned and got badly shot up by two Fokkers, McCudden tried to shoot the Red Baron, but missed. 
Rhys-Davies was nearly down, but bravely continued his attack!
I turned in and got a good hit on one of the Fokkers.
McCudden got caught by the ever wily Red Baron, who only took light damage in return.
McCudden took some damage, again from the Red Baron.
As we tried to sort ourselves out, Rhys-Davies got a snap shot at the Baron too.
It was definitely turning into a furball!McCudden got a shot at White Fokker...
...We realised at this point that White Fokker was 0 pointed and fell to earth.
Rhys-Davies got a good hit on Stripey...
...but was caught by the Red Baron, McCudden got a Bang on Stripey!
The battle was over, Despite the loss of Rhys-Davies, the loss of Stripey decided the day!
The Red Baron slunk back to his airfield!

It was a very difficult battle for our SE's, those Fokkers lacked speed, but turned on a Reichsmark!

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