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Saturday 5 August 2023

Rebel assault

 Today, I had no club to go to due to the majority of our members going to Scotland for the show there (Claymore)

I therefore decided to do a solo game at home!

I haven't done a Star Wars skirmish in ages, so I set up some of my old terrain and got going! (I also wanted to try these rules as I have made a couple of changes to them LINK )

I wanted a Star Wars: Rebels game, partly as some of the characters are appearing in live action soon (Zeb already!). I chose a simple scenario - Our heroes have to capture an Imperial communication base (on Lothal) and download some files from their computers....

Our heroes, Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, Zeb Orrelios, Hera Syndulla, Chopper, and Sabine Wren.

The Imperial settlement.

I split my figures into 2 groups, Hera, Kanan and Chopper in the left hand team...
Zeb, Ezra and Sabine in the right hand team.
As normal, I put 'Portal Markers' on the table to generate the opposition.
Both teams started on 'Move' orders, which meant they had to advance.
One Portal marker could see them, but a '1' wasn't enough to rouse any opposition at this stage.
Hera kept in cover as much as possible.
Sabine led the other team forward, she would have more difficulty staying out of sight on the more open terrain.
That Portal marker became inactive as my forces went into cover.
Hera: 'All I can see is Loth Cats!'
Sabine advanced warily.
All looked clear on this side too.
All three ran across the gap between the buildings, startling a Loth Cat.
Hera: 'Hi Kitty, Nice Kitty!'
Sabine moved forward to dislodge a Portal Marker.
Ezra petted the Loth Cat!
Hera's team were in sight of a couple of markers.
Fortunately, Sabine moved one, and Hera shifted the other.
Sabine was only visible to a '1', so we stayed undetected.
Hera decided it would be safer to try the back entrance of the big complex.
It should be easy to shift those 2 markers.
The counters flipped back to a small comms building.
Sabine tried the same on the other side.
The counters Hera had shifted would be more of a problem for her though.
A low roll on the encounter chart meant she got away with it though!
Hera moved to the back entrance while Chopper fiddle with the lock.
I had put Portal markers in the buildings which would activate if the door was opened...
Naturally, I rolled a '6'!
As the doors slid wide, Hera and Chopper were greeted with a storm of fire!
Hera shot too and pinned a trooper.
Unfortunately, Hera got Pinned too! - could this be the end of our Heroine?
Kanan gave himself an Attack order!
Kanan ran past Hera and hit the surprised Bucket-Heads!
The Imperials stood no chance against the fury of that attack!
Hera got her mojo back!
She exchanged shot with the Imperial officer.
Kanan attacked him as Hera and Chopper moved behind. More Imperials were moving from the front of the building.
The officer didn't take much dealing with!
Kanan and Hera were into the second group before they could get a shot off.
Chopper stopped the Portal markers leaving the building.
Hera emerged from the front entrance just in time to see...
...Sabine being spotted by four more troopers.
Having Move orders they would have been in danger from the standing Stormtroopers, so they used their move to go into cover.
The Troopers had spotted Hera though...
Kanan deflected the shots away while Hera replied.
Deflected bolts and Hera's good shooting pinned 3 of the 4 troopers!
I decided to keep them there while Sabine advanced.
It was going well...
...until an Officer and seven Troopers emerged from the building to reinforce them.
Hera, Sabine and Zeb were able to pin several...
...but some kept on advancing.
Kanan and Hera charged in rather than exchange shots with that many Troopers!
This also dislodged the Portal Markers further back.
Ezra joined in the attack, but Zeb was a bit slow.
The survivors of the attack fled, only to be replaced with a new group of Troopers.
Hera and Kanan stopped them.
Ezra's team were trying to get into the other Imperial complex.
Hera was dismayed to see more Stormtroopers down the road.
Hera was joine dby Kanan to finish off the Imperial NCO.
Hera: ' Are you still not inside Sabine? ... CHOPPER, GET YOURSELF OUT THERE!'
Chopper, more scared of Hera than any Stormtrooper, complied!
Kanan: ' OK, Love, let's do this!'
Chopper had got Sabine's team inside.
Even more Troopers were arriving.
Kanan wasted no time, Hera supporting him with her pistol.
Hera: 'Sabine, what is taking so long!'
Sabine: 'Its a lot of computers in here for Chopper to access, why, do you need help?'
Hera, 'We are ok at the moment, but HURRY!'
Sabine: 'We are almost done, Chopper is on the last bank, and I have set the last few charges, we will be right there!'
Kanan deflected a shot that would have killed him, but in doing so was unable to stop a wound on Hera. As she sank to the ground, Kanan's jaw stiffened, as he prepared to give his life for his beloved...
Sabine: 'We are here, Hera...HERA!'
Hera crawled to cover. She reassured Kanan she was 'fine', Sabine's accurate fire gave Kanan hope.
Kanan deflected another bolt which killed a Trooper.
Hera was over her shock, and just in time as four more Troopers appeared on her flank.
Some of the troopers in the road retreated from Kanan's attack, and one of them ran into a Loth Cat which attacked him!
Zeb and Ezra arrived, Ezra ran to Hera's side
Hera managed to pin a Trooper while Ezra protected them.
Kanan cut down another three troopers, but the Loth Cat was wounded!
Ezra was holing his own, but more Buckets came up in support.
Ezra attacked while Sabine bravely took on the other four.
She took one out, and the rest missed her! Behind her Zeb had finished off the ones he was facing.
Ezra had been taught well by Kanan! (His attack forced the mass of Portal Markers off table too!)
The rest of the troopers began to fall back.
Kanan cut the last Trooper in the road down.
Zeb: 'Let that be a lesson to you not to mess with Ezra's pets!'
The last Stormtroopers left the table.
As Kanan helped Hera and they and the rest of the gang headed for the Ghost, a low series of rumbles signaled Sabine's handywork in the computer rooms!


  1. Hi! I have to say that your table looks fabulous. The main 'com center' looks terrific. If you don't mind could you tell me where you got the 4 top pieces for it? I see that they are four of the same just turned. I think they are hand made by yourself. If true could you tell where you got the different pieces?
    There are so many lovely items in this thread. I realize that many of the items are lids, possibly from various medications. Trust me, I take way to many myself :-(
    Those semi-conical bits (dark colour at the top and oval bits on the side? with a flat top, a cut piece that covers the open top? and then a half ball on the centre? The oval shapes on the sides?
    Oh! and the white and black shapes inside the com center, computers? Whatever are they?
    I absolutely love the way you put these things together.
    You can reply to my telzy account but I would prefer if you would reply to zonker5001@yahoo.com
    to be honest I'm not thrilled by google

    1. Thanks! - I have replied to your e-mail as you requested!
