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Saturday, 5 September 2015

Border Reiver 2015

Well, after a month off, Today we started the Autumn season with a trip to another of our favourite shows, Border Reiver!
Held in the Gateshead International stadium sports hall, it seemed busier and better than ever! 

Sadly (as you will see!) - the sports hall had the usual yellow lighting, which messed up my pictures big time!

Still. Here they are.....

The Lads of the Border Reivers club, manning the entrance!
 Northumbrian Adventurers guild....
...doing a Warhammer 40K game. 
Consett  Tabletop gaming society's 'Wild West' game
 Tantobie Wargames and Tactical society and a nice Longstreet ACW game.
 Ooh look, Sharpshooters!
 Our lads from my home Tyneside Wargames club and their lovely 10mm Waterloo game.

 Probably my favourite game! a Tsu-Shima game with lovely Old Glory pre-Dreadnoughts! - the cloth used was excellent too, very atmospheric

Our friends from Westerhope Wargames club putting on a lovely Anglo-Zulu war game.

They had a side table with some Assegais and a ceremonial shield. 

Another very esoteric game. Quite eye catching!
 A nice WW2 game 
 With nice Panzer 4's!
Falkirk and District Wargames club's 'Tiger Tiger' game 
 Nice Tiger, soon to be 'burning bright'?
 Neil from the War and Piece shop in Ashington, had 2 games going, I was sad to miss the Sails of Glory one.

 When I was at the table, Snoopy was trying to shoot down...
 ...the Red Baron, of course -- Curse you!
A rather pretty Saga game in progress.
 A nice futuristic setup, this being the Batman game.
Northumberland Adventurers Pegasus bridge game.  

 and...A 40K game
 A small game using the 'Warband' rules. 

 The Whitley bay '3-D Gamers' club
And their nice 15mm Afghanistan game...

Some pretty Taliban!
Some gorgeous Brits!

Now, the Traders!

 Guess who?, Old Glory, of course!
 I drooled over their little pre dreds!
 Dave Thomas's stand - always a must for me, I got some Gripping Beast Dark ages warriors from here.
 I could have got so much more!

 Colonel Bill's, I gave this stand a miss this time around, sadly, due to lack of funds!
 Rod, from our club, looking rather Wraith like, in the funny light!

 The friendly lads at 'Hoka Hey'.

 Warlord, of course.
Ah, my friend at 'Last Valley' 
 Though he had none of the stream sections I wanted, I still bought some hills and trees for my new desert terrain, and some track sections, I had a good chat too!
Warbases...they always have lots of interesting and useful stuff! 

Ainsty castings. 
 Very busy, not surprisingly!
SHQ miniatures...always a big draw for us!
 Leven Miniatures... 
 Nice things, but not in a scale I play!!!
S+A scenics, I have loads of their stuff, and didn't need more today, but I still looked! 

 I got a French ship for Sails of Glory from another favourite stop....
 ...Northumbria games!
 1st Corps, and Curtey's miniatures. 

 Midlam miniatures.
 Reiver castings, and their excellent range (and staff!)
 Northumberland painting services.
Dave Lanchester books...
...and Worley books!
(Not sure who this trader is, let me know and I will credit it!)
We even had 'Tron' at the show! 
 Here at Lesley's Bits Box.
 KR Multicase
 Sheltrum Miniatures. Some fascinating stuff here like Japanese ships for the 15th/16th century. 

 Figures in Comfort, they seemed to do good business today for their brilliant carrying cases! 
 Eagle figures, very nice!
 Some painted samples.
 Some lovely Sikh war miniatures from Studio Miniatures

Tumbling dice, some lovely little Napoleonic ships caught my eye here! 
This ends my pictures, sadly about 30 were unuseable due to blurring or poor light! To all the traders and games that don't appear here, please accept my abject apologies!
There are more pictures of the show on the Westerhope wargamers site Jim Duncan's site and a report is on Count Belisarius' blog!

I hope to see you all again next year! Well done to all involved this year!


  1. If I had realised you were there I would have grabbed you for a chat.

    And, if it is any consolation my pictures came out all yellow too!

  2. Hi Jim! - We probably passed like ships in the night!
    I will be at Battleground in November - which has better light if I remember! - and maybe will see you there?

    1. Battleground is a strong possibility, weather shouldn't be too bad at that time of year but I am due surgery about then so may not be able to drive.

    2. Sorry to hear about your forthcoming surgery, I hope it goes well!

    3. I've taken the liberty of adding a link to your show report to my show report.

    4. Hi again, I have returned the favour with a link to your excellent report!

  3. Love that WoW gaming mat - any idea how it was made or who to contact about it?

    1. Hi, I think its one of the official mats made by Ares games, available from Amazon, amongst others!
      They are about £85.00 from there, but you may be able to get one cheaper elsewhere!

    2. It looks rather better than the Ares ones, but I might be mistaken. are there details of which club was putting on the game?

    3. I think it was the local branch of the Wings of Glory aerodrome. I would contact the 'War and Piece' shop in Ashington, Northumberland?

  4. Nice report Richard and very extensive! I gave up trying to take pictures!

    1. Cheers Andy! I don't blame you for giving up!
