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Saturday, 21 December 2024

Sword Weirdos 2

 Today we introduced Rhoderick to Sword Wierdos, which we think is a good game, so long as you want fun rather than a recreation!!!

We, (probably mistakenly) - decided to have 4 players on one table in the 'Kill em All' scenario, this meant we only got one game with a lot of sitting around!

I took pictures mainly of my wing where I was playing Phil. He had worked out an Orc and Goblin force, whereas I had Conan, Veleria, Subatai and Akiro, together with an Aquilonian princess!

The table for today, rather different to last weeks game, as Rhod brought a lot of terrain down!

The game started with Phil using his Goblin archers...they killed Conan with a single shot!
I raced the Princess to attack an Orc at the hedge, but she was driven off!
Phil was keeping most of his Orcs behind cover, from my Archer and Wizard.
On the far side of the table, Lawrence with a Rabble (10 figures!) took on Rhod with a Lich and zombies aplenty.
My Princess charged back in after getting up from where she tripped over a rock, but she missed with her Sword.
She was knocked down by the Orc, I sent Valeria to help by attacking a bow armed Goblin, but missed too! - Valeria was then speared to death by that mounted Orc! (Note Phil's damage roll!!!)
That Orc warrior at the hedge now grappled my stunned princess through the hedge...to a life not dissimilar to princess Leia at Jabbas palace! 
The Mounted Orc, having dodged an arrow from Subatai drove him off. The foot Orcs were missed by Akiros' Magic Missiles, and one charged in, Akiro did quite well with his staff, and survived.
Phil brought up his archers to the hedge to support his melee troops.
They didn't need help! - the second Orc attacked Akiro's flank and he fell dead!
I had moved Subatai to shoot the flank of the mounted Orc, but the Orc batted the arrow away like a fly with his shield. The Goblin archer shot Subatai dead with another single shot kill!
That was my force wiped out, on the far side a zombie was downed by the massed wretches!
Rhod was resurrecting my dead, Conan fights again!
Rhod's Lich raised Zombie Valeria too, but she/it was killed by a single shot from guess who?
Phil was the big winner of course in this game, but its only fair as I luckily beat him twice last week!

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Sword Weirdos

 Today, Lawrence brought down Sword Weirdos, a new variant of Space Weirdos, a PDF game which was written for Sci Fi.

We played with  his lovely Fantasy figures today!

In a first trial game (no pics) my Halflings managed to beat a Dwarven force, my dice were VERY kind!

In this second game I changed to a human force, with a Hero, a Magic user, a couple of Ruffians and a pair of barbarians!

This was the table we fought on. The scenario was to end half a 'stick' from as many of the 3 Objective Markers as possible, with more figures than the enemy.

I chose the near side so sent my Hero, Magic User and the two Ruffians to the left.
Phil had advanced his Hero and another Dwarf forward, while his Crossbowdwarf went left to get the Objective Marker in the ruin there. My Magic user hit his Hero and left him 'down' and 'staggered', with a lucky Magic Missile!
I had sent my Barbarians to contest that ruin with the Dwarven Crossbow.
I failed to hit the 'Staggered' enemy Hero - but he failed to get his mojo back!
My first Barbarian dodged a Crossbow bolt, charged the Dwarf, but missed so badly the stuntie counter struck with his sword, killing my Barbarian!
My second Barbarian charged, but he was knocked down too!
At the hedge, my Ruffians tried to overwhelm the Dwarf axeman there.
My Barbarian was Down and Staggered - that damned Dwarf!
Phil now got his Hero up and running again, but it took 2 of his 3 actions.
The next turn he charged one of my Ruffians!
I had retreated my Barbarian after getting my 'Down' and 'Staggered' off, the Crossbowdwarf charged and missed upon which my Barbarian finally slew him!
The Dwarf Hero made short work of my Ruffian, so my other one had 3 Dwarves to face!
My Magic User shot an area effect spell which killed a Dwarf, Staggered another and sent the third flying!
He landed near the ruin, but also my Hero had been beaten off the hedge by a Dwarf then killed.
My last Ruffian managed to kill the Dwarf Hero at the same time!
At this point the game ended, I had my Barbarian on the Objective Marker in the ruin, and my Ruffian had the one in the field, so it was a technical victory for my lads! - but a very hard fought and close victory.

We are doing this again next week as Rhod is back, so we shall see how he likes it too!